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New version released -v09.05.02


04-05-2009 12:02:10

A new version has been released. The following is the raw SVN checkin changelog:

MP: quick add of a new module for this release
MP: some code cleanup in dhcp_server module. fixed an issue where you could not remove a dhcp server from a subnet without deleting attributes. logic didnt make sense
MP: initial work on a custom attribute display module.. should be mostly functional, not a lot of testing went into it though
MP: BUG#53 fixed. CTRL-C characters wont render in the browser correctly. we still store them but I strip them just before I display them in the browser. Also usage text fixed in config_diff module
MP: more fixes updates for the merged search form
MP: commented out the template admin option for now
MP: install process updates for the pending release
MP: finished the system configuration management interfaces. Still need to update the database with the right edit/delete flags
MP: now you can manage config types!
MP: BUG#47 Fixed issue where I was not displaying useful info to the user when an invalid location was used for adding hosts
MP: forgot to check this in for BUG#44
MP: BUG#44 I implemented all required fields are now underlined using a style sheet element called .input_required. for good or bad, its all consistent now.
MP: many gui improvments. This adds new feature that the advanced search form is now part of search results tabs. Seems to make more sense this way and is a bit easier to use.
MP: BUG#29. fixed issue that non PTR records could use domain. suggest domain name still shows it however. Also focused first field in the edit record form
MP: BUG#36 now fixed. PTR records will be added by re-saving the A record. Also fixed some issues searching for names in quicksearch.
MP: Big update to the find_host function.. now it can try to find deeper host/domain pairs.. I.E. host vs host.sub
Also fixes so that when adding a new host, you can add with the name as host.sub and a domain of without it matching instead.
MP: more fixes for displaying proper lists with shared interfaces.
MP: BUG#28, Now if you change the IP of an a record or the IP of an interface, your PTR domains will update their value if they change domains.
MP: fixes to allow the interface list tooltip to show cluster interfaces as well. Fixes for list all ips to show proper cluster icons
MP: misc updates to the about window.
MP: BUG#41, implemented the dcm option for display block and display vlan campus. Also described the host action config file better
MP: BUG#41. Initial work for fixing this bug. should eventualy use the workspace plugin method but its there for now
MP: changed the subnet direct link to use the name instead of ID.. should work fine, just more user friendly
MP: BUG#38 fix for inconsistant name for device types.
MP: get report was not at the right log level, and now the sanitize_hostname function allows a wildcard of *
MP: misc fixes for passing data into edit forms. fixed DNS record update for changing ips when there are no child interfaces
MP: fix to allow edits to subnet names again!. minor update to display host to allow more info in reports etc
MP: the actual report workspace module that displays available reports
MP: misc updates and fixes for the reporting system. Adds report option to host and subnet display pages
MP: limit the parse_options_string so that it splits on the first => only.. that way options can contain => in them as well if needed. Not a ton of testing but seems ok so far
MP: new report functionality as well as a few updates for some new reports that are coming
MP: manage and show last_response date for IP addresses.. nmap scan and others can update this added "related blocks" list to subnet allocation map
MP: more updates to the host/domain issue for dns records.
MP: fixed bug that wont allow you to change names from a subdomain to a higher level domain. vs test
MP: fixed some issues with block and subnet naming rules. blocks were missing the space to - rule on modify. thanks Stephen H
MP: added location variable to host action substitution. helps when you have things like or this example assumes location reference is also part of the domain structure.
MP: check in first new install sql update script for version 5 to 6
MP: fixed the tab from username issue during login. tabs still dont seem to work in ie6 though? too bad for them
Fixed problem when adding a new host and providing an interface description. it now works the first time
MP: Fixes to the following issues.
incorrectly allowed to add IP addresses that match the first and last ip of a pool range
incorrectly allowed to resize a subnet that abandoned dhcp pools
Alsosome dhcppool related cleanups.. thanks Eric W!
MP: fixed a bug in that the list would not allow you to move from page to page
MP: added config archive count to the initial record counts on the dashboard
MP: you can now click the word "Trace" to clear out the trace history
MP: update to help secure https session cookies.. thanks Timm
MP: fixes to allow html code to render properly in custom attributes
MP: Timm found another bug with notes when adding a block.. fixed
MP: Timm found an issue. I was changing the variable not the display info. Fixed.
MP: cleanup of old data in the sql files
MP: fixed escape issue in the sql tool
MP: fixed escapes of ' marks. test it more
MP: column order problem in ona-data
MP: missed a few column names for sys_config
MP: fixes for sysconf app
MP: sysconf cleanup, much more to do there. prep install scripts for next ver
MP: misc fixes that Timm brought up. SPF records should work now in TXT records. custom attribute prints the actual fail message to the user. and host doesn't fail when you modify notes because the location was blank.
MP: new sys configuration editor. needs a tone of work still
MP: more dns/dhcp build related work.. removed serial # from the domain lists as well. Toggling the type of builds for dns and dhcp should now be done via sys_config settings.
MP: updated the display for domains and domain_servers so it can run the correct build code based on the $conf['build_dns_type'] setting
MP: display message to user when the domain primary_master does not match any hosts in the system.