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move installation from one server to another.


31-03-2011 02:35:30

What is the smoothest way?


01-04-2011 10:17:39

1. Do a backup of your mysql database using mysqldump as described in the backup post earlier.
2. Restore that into your new mysql system
3. Copy /opt/ona to your new system
4. Set up apache the same as you did before on your new box.

Should be that simple. Really the hardest part is doing the mysql backup/restore.. there are plenty of documents/guides on the internet describing that task in much more detail.


02-04-2011 09:18:10

Tried to install a new, then import the old database, but i couldnt log in. I get this error "Error: the xml response that was returned from the server is invalid. Recived:"

/var/log/httpd/error.log looks like this:


12-04-2011 16:11:53

your log output shows that you need to touch /var/log/ona.log and make sure it has permissions that allow your web server to write to it. This is covered in the install documentation so that should cover that part.


13-04-2011 13:20:59

the problem was acctuly that i missed some ldap rpms (found it after turned mysql debug on)